#!/usr/bin/env python import websocket, json from time import sleep from pythonosc import osc_message_builder from pythonosc import udp_client mapping = {"scene1": "01", "scene2": "02", "scene3": "03"} #set the mapping for the scene to channel mapping here. "scenename": "channel" obsip = "localhost" #set the obs machine ip here. localhost works if you run this script on the same machine. obsport = "4444" #set the ob websocket port here. 4444 is defult xairip = "" #set the xairip here def ws1_on_message(ws, message): jsn = json.loads(message) if jsn["update-type"] == "SwitchScenes": for scene in mapping: if scene == jsn["scene-name"]: client.send_message("/ch/" + mapping[scene] + "/mix/on", 1) else: client.send_message("/ch/" + mapping[scene] + "/mix/on", 0) elif jsn["update-type"] == "TransitionBegin": for scene in mapping: if scene == jsn["to-scene"]: client.send_message("/ch/" + mapping[scene] + "/mix/on", 1) elif scene == jsn["from-scene"] and not jsn["name"] == "Cut": client.send_message("/ch/" + mapping[scene] + "/mix/on", 1) else: client.send_message("/ch/" + mapping[scene] + "/mix/on", 0) def ws1_on_error(ws, error): print(error) def ws1_on_close(ws): print("Websocket close") def ws1_on_open(ws): print("Websocket open") def ws1_start(): while True: ws1.run_forever() print("Websocket restart") print("This most likely means that OBS is not open or you lost network connection.") sleep(1) if __name__ == "__main__": client = udp_client.SimpleUDPClient(xairip, 10024) ws1 = websocket.WebSocketApp("ws://" + obsip + ":" + obsport, on_message = ws1_on_message, on_error = ws1_on_error, on_close = ws1_on_close) ws1.on_open = ws1_on_open ws1_start()