2023-12-23 11:58:21 +00:00

115 lines
2.4 KiB

package main
import (
log ""
type option func(*dijkstra)
func WithMinDistance(distance int) option {
return func(d *dijkstra) {
d.minDistance = distance
func WithMaxDistance(distance int) option {
return func(d *dijkstra) {
d.maxDistance = distance
type dijkstra struct {
graph [][]int
minDistance int
maxDistance int
func newDijkstra(graph [][]int, opts ...option) *dijkstra {
d := &dijkstra{graph: graph}
for _, opt := range opts {
return d
func (d dijkstra) initialize(start coords) *pqueue {
pq := newPriorityQueue()
// we don't encounter heat loss for start point unless we enter this block again
heap.Push(pq, newNode(0, 0, 0, 0, start.X, start.Y))
return pq
// run performs the lowest cost dijkstra algorithm from start to end
func (d dijkstra) run(start, end coords) int {
pq := d.initialize(start)
visited := map[string]bool{}
for pq.Len() > 0 {
cost, node := func() (int, *node) {
x := heap.Pop(pq).(*node)
return x.cost, x
// we reached final location, return its lowest cost
if node.X == end.X && node.Y == end.Y && node.distance >= d.minDistance {
log.Debug("returning lowest cost with min distance >= ", d.minDistance)
return node.cost
if _, ok := visited[node.String()]; ok {
visited[node.String()] = true
var neighbours = [][]int{{0, -1}, {0, 1}, {-1, 0}, {1, 0}} // N, S, W, E
for _, n := range neighbours {
nextX := node.X + n[0]
nextY := node.Y + n[1]
if nextY < 0 || nextY >= len(d.graph) || nextX < 0 || nextX >= len(d.graph[nextY]) {
if node.directionX == -n[0] && node.directionY == -n[1] { // are we going backwards?
var distance = 1
if node.directionX == n[0] || node.directionY == n[1] { // same direction
distance = node.distance + 1
} else {
if node.distance < d.minDistance {
if distance > d.maxDistance {
new_cost := cost + d.graph[nextY][nextX]
heap.Push(pq, newNode(new_cost, distance, n[0], n[1], nextX, nextY))
return 0
// one returns the lowest cost path for the given graph from start to end coords
func one(lines []string) int {
graph := buildGraph(lines)
start := newCoords(0, 0)
end := newCoords(len(graph[0])-1, len(graph)-1)
dijkstra := newDijkstra(graph, WithMaxDistance(3))
cost :=, end)
return cost