2023-12-15 01:37:15 +00:00

48 lines
1.3 KiB

package main
const CYCLES = 1000000000
// cycleOnce transposes and rolls a single image four times (N,W,S,E)
func cycleOnce(image img) {
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
for i, line := range image.transposed() {
image.raw[i] = rollRight(line)
// cycleMany cycles a single image for a given number of iterations
// it caches seen images as well as their location in the period
// finally it copies the cached image with idx matching the interval to image.raw
func cycleMany(image img, iterations int) {
cachedIndexes := make(map[string]int)
cachedImages := make(map[int][]string)
i, start := 0, 0
for ; i < iterations; i++ {
if idx, ok := cachedIndexes[image.String()]; ok { // we found first repeated image
start = idx
cachedIndexes[image.String()] = i + 1
cachedImages[i+1] = make([]string, len(image.raw))
copy(cachedImages[i+1], image.raw)
period := i - start // length of a full period
copy(image.raw, cachedImages[start+((iterations-i-1)%period)+1]) // copy cachedImage into image.raw
// two returns the load of all boulders after 1000000000 cycles
func two(lines []string) int {
image := newImg(len(lines))
copy(image.raw, lines)
cycleMany(image, CYCLES)
return getload(image.transposed())