# Q3 Rcon Proxy A modification of [lilproxy][lilproxy_url] that forwards only Q3 rcon/query packets. Useful for separating the rcon port from the game server port. ### Use Run one or multiple rcon proxies by setting an environment variable `Q3RCON_PROXY` for example: ```bash export Q3RCON_PROXY="20000:28960;20001:28961;20002:28962" ``` This would configure q3rcon-proxy to run 3 proxy servers listening on ports `20000`, `20001` and `20002` that redirect rcon requests to game servers on ports `28960`, `28961` and `28962` respectively. Then just run the binary which you can compile yourself, download from `Releases` or use the included Dockerfile. ### Why Avoid sending plaintext rcon commands to the public game server port. In general I would advise anyone using rcon remotely to use a secured connection but perhaps you've passed rcon to a clan friend who doesn't know about secured connections. Now you can instruct them to use rcon only through a whitelisted port. ### Special Thanks [Dylan][user_link] For writing this proxy. [lilproxy_url]: https://github.com/dgparker/lilproxy [user_link]: https://github.com/dgparker