import logging from pathlib import Path from typing import Union import socketio from observable import Observable from .error import SteamlabsSIOConnectionError, SteamlabsSIOError from .models import as_dataclass logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Client: def __init__(self, token=None, raw=False): self.logger = logger.getChild(self.__class__.__name__) self.token = token or self._token_from_toml() self._raw = raw self.sio = socketio.Client() self.sio.on('connect', self.connect_handler) self.sio.on('event', self.event_handler) self.sio.on('disconnect', self.disconnect_handler) self.obs = Observable() self.event_types: set[str] = ( {'donation'} # streamlabs | {'follow', 'subscription', 'host', 'bits', 'raid'} # twitch | {'follow', 'subscription', 'superchat'} # youtube ) def __enter__(self): try: self.sio.connect(f'{self.token}') except socketio.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: self.logger.exception(f'{type(e).__name__}: {e}') raise SteamlabsSIOConnectionError( 'no connection could be established to the Streamlabs SIO server' ) from e self.log_mode() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.sio.disconnect() @property def raw(self) -> bool: return self._raw @raw.setter def raw(self, val: bool) -> None: self._raw = val self.log_mode() def log_mode(self): info = ( 'Raw mode' if self.raw else 'Normal mode', 'activated.', 'JSON messages' if self.raw else 'Event objects', 'will be passed to callbacks.', )' '.join(info)) def _token_from_toml(self) -> str: """ Retrieves the Streamlabs token from a TOML configuration file. This method attempts to load the token from a 'config.toml' file located either in the current working directory or in the user's home configuration directory under '.config/streamlabsio/'. Returns: str: The Streamlabs token retrieved from the TOML configuration file. Raises: SteamlabsSIOError: If no configuration file is found, if the file cannot be decoded, or if the required 'streamlabs' section or 'token' key is missing from the configuration file. """ try: import tomllib except ModuleNotFoundError: import tomli as tomllib def get_filepath() -> Union[Path, None]: filepaths = ( Path.cwd() / 'config.toml', Path.home() / '.config' / 'streamlabsio' / 'config.toml', ) for filepath in filepaths: if filepath.exists(): return filepath return None filepath = get_filepath() if not filepath: raise SteamlabsSIOError('no token provided and no config.toml file found') try: with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: conn = tomllib.load(f) except tomllib.TOMLDecodeError as e: ERR_MSG = f'Error decoding {filepath}: {e}' self.logger.exception(ERR_MSG) raise SteamlabsSIOError(ERR_MSG) from e if 'streamlabs' not in conn or 'token' not in conn['streamlabs']: ERR_MSG = ( 'config.toml does not contain a "streamlabs" section ' 'or the "streamlabs" section does not contain a "token" key' ) self.logger.exception(ERR_MSG) raise SteamlabsSIOError(ERR_MSG) return conn['streamlabs']['token'] def connect_handler(self) -> None:'Connected to Streamlabs Socket API') def event_handler(self, data: dict) -> None: """ Handles incoming events and triggers corresponding OBS actions. Args: data (dict): The event data containing information about the event. Expected keys: - 'for': The target of the event. - 'type': The type of the event. - 'message': A list containing the event message. Returns: None """ if 'for' in data and data['type'] in self.event_types: message = data['message'][0] self.obs.trigger( data['for'], data['type'], message if self.raw else as_dataclass(data['type'], message), ) self.logger.debug(data) def disconnect_handler(self) -> None:'Disconnected from Streamlabs Socket API') def connect(**kwargs) -> Client: SIO_cls = Client return SIO_cls(**kwargs)