import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk from functools import partial from typing import NamedTuple import vbancmd from vbancmd import kinds class ExampleAppErrors(Exception): pass class App(tk.Tk): """ Topmost Level of App """ @classmethod def make(cls, kind: NamedTuple): """ Factory function for App Returns an App class of a kind """ APP_cls = type(f'App{}', (cls,), { 'name':, 'ins': kind.ins, 'outs': kind.outs, } ) return APP_cls def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title(f'Voicemeeter{} Example Program') self.phys_in, self.virt_in = self.ins self.col = self.phys_in + self.virt_in self.row = 3 self.w = {'Basic': 300, 'Banana': 600, 'Potato': 800} self.h = 150 self.defaultsizes = { 'Basic': f'{self.w[]}x{self.h}', 'Banana': f'{self.w[]}x{self.h}', 'Potato': f'{self.w[]}x{self.h}', } self.geometry(self.defaultsizes[]) """ create tkinter variables, generate widgets and configure rows/cols """ self.gains = { 'strip': [tk.DoubleVar() for i in range(self.phys_in + self.virt_in)], } self.levels = { 'strip': [tk.DoubleVar() for i in range(self.phys_in + self.virt_in)], } [self._make_single_channel(i, j) for i, j in enumerate(i for i in range(0, self.col*2, 2))] scales = [widget for widget in self.winfo_children() if isinstance(widget, tk.Scale)] [scale.bind('<Double-Button-1>', partial(self.reset_gain, index=i)) for i, scale in enumerate(scales)] """ configure grid """ self.col_row_configure() """ initiate watchers """ [self.watch_levels(i) for i in range(self.col)] @property def id_(self): return 'strip' def _make_single_channel(self, i, j): """ Creates a label, progressbar, scale, and mute """ ttk.Label(self, text=f'{vban.strip[i].label}').grid(column=j, row=0, columnspan=2) ttk.Progressbar(self, maximum=72, orient='vertical', mode='determinate', variable=self.levels[self.id_][i]).grid(column=j, row=1) ttk.Scale(self, from_=12.0, to=-60.0, orient='vertical', variable=self.gains[self.id_][i], command=partial(self.scale_callback, index=i)).grid(column=j+1, row=1) ttk.Button(self, text='MUTE', command=partial(self.toggle, 'mute', i), style=f'Mute{i}.TButton').grid(column=j, row=2, columnspan=2, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) def scale_callback(self, *args, index=None): """ callback function for scale widgets """ vban.strip[index].gain = self.gains[self.id_][index].get() def reset_gain(self, *args, index=None): """ reset gain to 0 when double click mouse """ vban.strip[index].gain = 0 self.gains[self.id_][index].set(0) def toggle(self, param, index): """ toggles a strip parameter """ setattr(vban.strip[index], param, not getattr(vban.strip[index], param)) def col_row_configure(self): [self.columnconfigure(i, weight=1) for i in range(self.col*2)] [child.grid_configure(padx=1, pady=1) for child in self.winfo_children()] def watch_levels(self, i): self.after(1, self.watch_levels_step, i) def watch_levels_step(self, i): val = vban.strip[i].levels.prefader[0] + vban.strip[i].gain self.levels[self.id_][i].set((0 if vban.strip[i].mute else 100 + (val-30))) self.after(20, self.watch_levels_step, i) _apps = { App.make(kind) for kind in kinds.all} def connect(kind_id: str) -> App: """ return App of the kind requested """ try: APP_cls = _apps[kind_id] return APP_cls() except KeyError: raise ExampleAppErrors(f'Invalid kind: {kind_id}') if __name__ == "__main__": kind_id = 'potato' opts = { # make sure VBAN is configured on remote machine then set IP accordingly 'ip': 'ws.local', 'streamname': 'testing', 'port': 6990, } with vbancmd.connect(kind_id, **opts) as vban: app = connect(kind_id) app.mainloop()