## Requirements

-   [OBS Studio](https://obsproject.com/)
-   [OBS Python SDK for Websocket v5](https://github.com/aatikturk/obsws-python)

## About

Perhaps you have a streaming setup but you want to control OBS and Voicemeeter from a remote location with python installed.
With the vban-cmd and obsws-python packages you may sync a distant Voicemeeter with a distant OBS over LAN.

## Configure

This script assumes the following:

-   OBS Connection info in a valid `config.toml`:

    host = "gamepc.local"
    port = 4455
    password = "mystrongpass"

-   VBAN Connection info in a valid `vban.toml`:

    ip = "gamepc.local"
    port = 6980
    streamname = "Command1"

-   Both configs should be placed next to `__main__.py`.

-   Four OBS scenes named "START", "BRB", "END" and "LIVE".

## Use

Make sure you have established a working connection to OBS and the remote Voicemeeter.

Run the script, change OBS scenes and watch Voicemeeter parameters change.

Pressing `<Enter>` will exit.

## Notes

This script can be run from a Linux host since the vban-cmd interface relies on UDP packets and obsws-python runs over websockets.

You could for example, set this up to run in the background on a home server such as a Raspberry Pi.

It requires Python 3.10+.