mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 17:55:15 +00:00
add self.buff and test for equality against private packet before returning as public packet. add runmany
115 lines
4.2 KiB
115 lines
4.2 KiB
[Int] $num = 1,
$global:failures = 0
Function RunTests {
if ($cycle_num) {
$num = $cycle_num
$logfile = "nosetest.log"
$failures = $global:failures
$firstrun = $false
if ($cycle_num -eq 20) { $firstrun = $true }
(Get-Content '__init__.py') | ForEach-Object {
$m = [regex]::Match($_, '^(DELAY)\s=\s(\d.\d+)')
if ($m.captures.groups.count -gt 1) {
$delay = $m.captures.groups[2]
$m = [regex]::Match($_, '^(MAX_POLLS)\s=\s(\d+)')
if ($m.captures.groups.count -gt 1) {
$maxpolls = $m.captures.groups[2]
1..$num | ForEach-Object { `
if ($Log) { "Running test $_ of ${num} runs" | Tee-Object -FilePath $logfile -Append }
else { Write-Host "Running test $_ of ${num} runs" }
ForEach ($line in $(Invoke-Expression "nosetests --randomize -s tests 2>&1")) {
if ($Log) {
if ($line -NotMatch '^(System)') {
"${line}" | Tee-Object -FilePath $logfile -Append
} else {
if ($line -NotMatch '^(System)') { Write-Host "${line}" }
$m = [regex]::Match($line, '^(FAILED)\s\([errors=\d+,\s]?failures=(\d+)\)')
if ($m.captures.groups.count -gt 1) {
$failures += $m.captures.groups[2].value
if ($Log) {
$log_backup = LogRotate -logfile $logfile
$log_backupfile = Split-Path $log_backup -leaf
$summary_file = "summary.log"
if ($firstrun -eq $true) {
"===========================================================`n" + `
"NOTES:" | Tee-Object -FilePath $summary_file -Append
"===========================================================`n" + `
"${num} test run with ${delay} delay and ${maxpolls} max_polls`n" + `
"Total failures: ${failures}`n" + `
"Logfile for this test run: ${log_backupfile}`n" + `
"===========================================================" | `
Tee-Object -FilePath $summary_file -Append
} else {
"${num} test run with ${delay} delay and ${maxpolls} max_polls",
"Total failures: ${failures}",
"===========================================================" | Write-Host
$global:failures = $failures
Function LogRotate {
Get-ChildItem ./ -recurse `
| Where-Object {$_.basename -ne 'summary' -and $_.extension -eq ".log" } `
| ForEach-Object {
$i = 1
$StopLoop = $false
do {
try {
$savefile = "$($_.Fullname)_$i.backup"
Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName `
-NewName $savefile -ErrorAction "Stop"
$StopLoop = $true
catch {
Start-Sleep -m 100
} until ($StopLoop -eq $true)
if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -ne ".")
& '..\venv_vban_cmd\Scripts\activate.ps1'
if ($cycle) {
@(20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000) | ForEach-Object {
RunTests -cycle_num $_
if ($global:failures -gt 0) { break }
} else { RunTests }
& 'deactivate'