version: '3' dotenv: [ '.env' ] vars: program: vmrcli CC: gcc SRC_DIR: src OBJ_DIR: obj BIN_DIR: bin CPPFLAGS: -Iinclude -MMD -MP {{if eq .LOG_USE_COLOR "yes"}}-DLOG_USE_COLOR{{end}} CFLAGS: -O -Wall -W -pedantic -ansi -std=c2x LDFLAGS: -Llib LDLIBS: -lm tasks: default: desc: "Build vmrcli for Windows" deps: [build] build: desc: "Build vmrcli for Windows" deps: [link] link: desc: "Link all files in obj/ for Windows" deps: [compile] cmds: - powershell -Command "if (!(Test-Path -Path '{{.BIN_DIR}}')) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path '{{.BIN_DIR}}' }" - powershell -Command "{{.CC}} {{.LDFLAGS}} obj/*.o {{.LDLIBS}} -o bin/{{.program}}.exe" sources: - obj/** generates: - bin/{{.program}}.exe compile: desc: "Compile all files in src/ and include/ for Windows" cmds: - powershell -Command "if (!(Test-Path -Path '{{.OBJ_DIR}}')) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path '{{.OBJ_DIR}}' }" - powershell -Command "Get-ChildItem -Path 'src' -Filter '*.c' | ForEach-Object { \$_.Name -replace '\.c$', '' } | ForEach-Object { {{.CC}} {{.CPPFLAGS}} {{.CFLAGS}} -c src/\$_.c -Iinclude -o obj/\$_.o }" sources: - src/** - include/** generates: - obj/** clean: desc: "Remove all files in obj/ and bin/" cmds: - powershell -Command "Remove-Item -Path 'obj' -Recurse -Force" - powershell -Command "Remove-Item -Path 'bin' -Recurse -Force"