
43 lines
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Raw Normal View History

The following script was written with the intention of being used with a .vbs helper script, to create
a hotkey to "Go to Next Bus" in a subset of buses with a visual indicator on your primary display.
Credits go to @bobsupercow
# 1) Loop through an array of buses.
# 2) Mute first unmuted bus
# 3) If next bus in array exists, unmute it
# 4) else unmute the first bus specified in array.
# 5) If every bus in array is muted, unmute the first bus specified in array.
Import-Module Voicemeeter
try {
# Run the factory function for required Voicemeeter type
$vmr = Get-RemotePotato
$unmutedIndex = $null
[int32[]]$buses = @(1,2,4,6)
# 1)
0..($buses.Length -1) | ForEach-Object {
# 2)
if ( -not $vmr.bus[$buses[$_]].mute ){
$unmutedIndex = $_
$vmr.bus[$buses[$unmutedIndex]].mute = $true
# 3)
if ( $buses[++$unmutedIndex] ){
$vmr.bus[$buses[$unmutedIndex]].mute = $false
# 4)
else { $vmr.bus[$buses[0]].mute = $false }
# 5)
if ( $null -eq $unmutedIndex ) { $vmr.bus[$buses[0]].mute = $false }
} finally { $vmr.Logout() }