BeforeAll { . ..\lib\base.ps1 } Describe -Tag 'lower', -TestName 'All Lower Tests' { Describe 'Macrobutton Tests' -ForEach @( @{ Value = 1; Expected = 1 } @{ Value = 0; Expected = 0 } ){ Context 'buttons 0, 69' -ForEach @( @{ Index = 0 }, @{ Index = 69 } ){ Context 'state, stateonly and trigger' -ForEach @( @{ Mode = 1 }, @{ Mode = 2 }, @{ Mode = 3 } ){ It "Should set and get macrobutton[$index] State" { MB_Set -ID $index -SET $value -MODE $mode MB_Get -ID $index -MODE $mode | Should -Be $expected } } } } Describe 'Set and Get Param Float Tests' -ForEach @( @{ Value = 1; Expected = 1 } @{ Value = 0; Expected = 0 } ){ Context 'Strip, one physical one virtual' -ForEach @( @{ Index = 0 }, @{ Index = 4 } ){ Context 'mute, mono, A1, B2' -ForEach @( @{ param = "mute" }, @{ param = "A1" } ){ It "Should set Strip[0].$param to 1" { Param_Set -PARAM "Strip[$index].$param" -VALUE $value Param_Get -PARAM "Strip[$index].$param" | Should -Be $expected } } } } Describe 'Set and Get Param String Tests' -ForEach @( @{ Value = 'test0'; Expected = 'test0' } @{ Value = 'test1'; Expected = 'test1' } ){ Context 'Strip, one physical one virtual' -ForEach @( @{ Index = 0 }, @{ Index = 4 } ){ It "Should set Strip[$index].Label to $value" { Param_Set -PARAM "Strip[$index].Label" -VALUE $value Param_Get -PARAM "Strip[$index].Label" -IS_STRING $true | Should -Be $expected } } } }