Describe -Tag 'higher', -TestName 'All Higher Tests' { Describe 'Bool tests' -ForEach @( @{ Value = $true; Expected = $true } @{ Value = $false; Expected = $false } ){ Context 'Strip, one physical one virtual' -ForEach @( @{ Index = $phys_in }, @{ Index = $virt_in } ){ It "Should set and get Strip[$index].Mute" { $vmr.strip[$index].mute = $value $vmr.strip[$index].mute | Should -Be $expected } It "Should set and get Strip[$index].Solo" { $vmr.strip[$index].solo = $value $vmr.strip[$index].solo | Should -Be $expected } It "Should set and get Strip[$index].A1" { $vmr.strip[$index].A1 = $value $vmr.strip[$index].A1 | Should -Be $expected } It "Should set and get Strip[$index].B1" { $vmr.strip[$index].B1 = $value $vmr.strip[$index].B1 | Should -Be $expected } } Context 'physical only' -ForEach @( @{ Index = $phys_in } ){ Context 'eq.{param}' -Skip:$ifNotPotato { It "Should set Strip[$index].EQ.On to $value" { $vmr.strip[$index].eq.on = $value $vmr.strip[$index].eq.on | Should -Be $expected } } } Context 'Bus, one physical one virtual' -ForEach @( @{ Index = $phys_out }, @{ Index = $virt_out } ){ It "Should set and get Bus[$index].Eq.On" -Skip:$ifBasic { $vmr.bus[$index].eq.on = $value $vmr.bus[$index].eq.on | Should -Be $expected } It "Should set and get Bus[$index].Mono" { $vmr.bus[$index].mono = $value $vmr.bus[$index].mono | Should -Be $expected } It "Should set and get Bus[$index].mode_amix" -Skip:$ifBasic { $vmr.bus[$index].mode_amix = $value $vmr.bus[$index].mode_amix | Should -Be $expected } It "Should set and get Bus[$index].mode_centeronly" -Skip:$ifBasic { $vmr.bus[$index].mode_centeronly = $value $vmr.bus[$index].mode_centeronly | Should -Be $expected } } Context 'Macrobutton' -ForEach @( @{ Index = 0 }, @{ Index = 69 } ){ It "Should set and get macrobutton[$index] State" { $vmr.button[$index].state = $value $vmr.button[$index].state | Should -Be $expected } } Context 'Vban instream' -ForEach @( @{ Index = $vban_in } ){ It "Should set vban.instream[$index].on" { $vmr.vban.instream[$index].on = $value $vmr.vban.instream[$index].on | Should -Be $expected } } Context 'Vban outstream' -ForEach @( @{ Index = $vban_out } ){ It "Should set vban.outstream[$index].on" { $vmr.vban.outstream[$index].on = $value $vmr.vban.outstream[$index].on | Should -Be $expected } } Context 'Recorder' -Skip:$ifBasic { It "Should set and get Recorder.A3" { $vmr.recorder.A3 = $value $vmr.recorder.A3 | Should -Be $expected } It "Should set and get Recorder.B1" { $vmr.recorder.B1 = $value $vmr.recorder.B1 | Should -Be $expected } It "Should set and get Recorder.loop" { $vmr.recorder.loop = $value } } Context 'Command' { It 'Should set command.lock' { $vmr.command.lock = $value } } } Describe 'Float Tests' { Describe 'Strip tests' { Context 'one physical, one virtual' -ForEach @( @{ Index = $phys_in }, @{ Index = $virt_in } ){ Context 'gain' -ForEach @( @{ Value = 3.6; Expected = 3.6 }, @{ Value = -8.2; Expected = -8.2 } ){ It "Should set Strip[$index].Gain to $value" { $vmr.strip[$index].gain = $value $vmr.strip[$index].gain | Should -Be $expected } } } Context 'physical only' -Skip:$ifBasic -ForEach @( @{ Index = $phys_in } ){ Context 'comp, gate' -ForEach @( @{ Value = 8.3; Expected = 8.3 }, @{ Value = 5.1; Expected = 5.1 } ){ It "Should set Strip[$index].Comp to $value" { $vmr.strip[$index].comp.knob = $value $vmr.strip[$index].comp.knob | Should -Be $expected } It "Should set Strip[$index].Gate to $value" { $vmr.strip[$index].gate.knob = $value $vmr.strip[$index].gate.knob | Should -Be $expected } } Context 'denoiser' -Skip:$ifNotPotato -ForEach @( @{ Value = 8.3; Expected = 8.3 }, @{ Value = 5.1; Expected = 5.1 } ){ It "Should set Strip[$index].Denoiser to $value" { $vmr.strip[$index].denoiser.knob = $value $vmr.strip[$index].denoiser.knob | Should -Be $expected } } Context 'comp.{param}' -Skip:$ifNotPotato -ForEach @( @{ Value = 8.3; Expected = 8.3 }, @{ Value = 5.1; Expected = 5.1 } ){ It "Should set Strip[$index].Comp.Attack to $value" { $vmr.strip[$index].comp.attack = $value $vmr.strip[$index].comp.attack | Should -Be $expected } } Context 'comp.{param}' -Skip:$ifNotPotato -ForEach @( @{ Value = 0.3; Expected = 0.3 }, @{ Value = 0.8; Expected = 0.8 } ){ It "Should set Strip[$index].Comp.Knee to $value" { $vmr.strip[$index].comp.knee = $value $vmr.strip[$index].comp.knee | Should -Be $expected } } Context 'gate.{param}' -Skip:$ifNotPotato -ForEach @( @{ Value = 103; Expected = 103 }, @{ Value = 3800; Expected = 3800 } ){ It "Should set Strip[$index].Gate.BPSidechain to $value" { $vmr.strip[$index].gate.bpsidechain = $value $vmr.strip[$index].gate.bpsidechain | Should -Be $expected } } Context 'gate.{param}' -Skip:$ifNotPotato -ForEach @( @{ Value = 0.3; Expected = 0.3 }, @{ Value = 5000; Expected = 5000 } ){ It "Should set Strip[$index].Gate.Hold to $value" { $vmr.strip[$index].gate.hold = $value $vmr.strip[$index].gate.hold | Should -Be $expected } } } } Describe 'Bus tests' { Context 'one physical, one virtual' -ForEach @( @{ Index = $phys_out }, @{ Index = $virt_out } ){ Context 'gain' -ForEach @( @{ Value = 5.2; Expected = 5.2 }, @{ Value = -38.2; Expected = -38.2 } ){ It "Should set Bus[$index].Gain to $value" { $vmr.bus[$index].gain = $value $vmr.bus[$index].gain | Should -Be $expected } } } } } Describe 'Int Tests' -ForEach @( @{ Index = $phys_in }, @{ Index = $virt_in } ){ Context 'Strip, one physical, one virtual' -Skip:$ifBasic -ForEach @( @{ Value = 3; Expected = 3 } @{ Value = -6; Expected = -6 } ){ It "Should set Strip[$index].Limit to 3" { $vmr.strip[$index].limit = $value $vmr.strip[$index].limit | Should -Be $expected } } Context 'Vban outstream' { Context 'sr' -ForEach @( @{ Value = 44100; Expected = 44100 } @{ Value = 48000; Expected = 48000 } ){ It "Should set vban.outstream[$index].sr to $value" { $vmr.vban.outstream[$index].sr = $value $vmr.vban.outstream[$index].sr | Should -Be $expected } } Context 'channel' -ForEach @( @{ Value = 1; Expected = 1 } @{ Value = 2; Expected = 2 } ){ It 'Should set vban.outstream[0].channel to 1' { $vmr.vban.outstream[$index].channel = $value $vmr.vban.outstream[$index].channel | Should -Be $expected } } } } Describe 'String Tests' { Context 'Strip, one physical, one virtual' -ForEach @( @{ Index = $phys_in }, @{ Index = $virt_in } ){ It "Should set Strip[$index].Label" -ForEach @( @{ Value = "test0"; Expected = "test0" } @{ Value = "test1"; Expected = "test1" } ){ $vmr.strip[$index].label = $value $vmr.strip[$index].label | Should -Be $expected } } Context 'Bus, one physical, one virtual' -ForEach @( @{ Index = $phys_out }, @{ Index = $virt_out } ){ It "Should set Bus[$index].Label" -ForEach @( @{ Value = "test0"; Expected = "test0" } @{ Value = "test1"; Expected = "test1" } ){ $vmr.bus[$index].label = $value $vmr.bus[$index].label | Should -Be $expected } } Describe 'Vban' -ForEach @( @{ Index = $vban_in } ){ Context 'instream' { Context 'ip' -ForEach @( @{ Value = ""; Expected = "" } ){ It "Should set vban.instream[$index].name to $value" { $vmr.vban.instream[$index].ip = $value $vmr.vban.instream[$index].ip | Should -Be $expected } } } Context 'outstream' { Context 'ip' -ForEach @( @{ Value = ""; Expected = "" } ){ It "Should set vban.outstream[$index].name to $value" { $vmr.vban.outstream[$index].ip = $value $vmr.vban.outstream[$index].ip | Should -Be $expected } } } } } }