# Powershell Wrapper for Voicemeeter API This wrapper was written in response to a request in the VB-AUDIO discord for a way to invoke commands using Powershell. It is designed to be simple to use but not every feature is added. For past/future changes to this project refer to: [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) ## Tested against - Basic - Banana - Potato You may have success with many commands in earlier versions but some commands (example Macrobuttons) were only added to the API in later releases. ## Requirements - Voicemeeter: https://voicemeeter.com/ - Powershell 5.1 ## Installation #### PowerShellGet: In Powershell as admin: `Install-Module Voicemeeter` In Powershell as current user: `Install-Module -Name Voicemeeter -Scope CurrentUser` You may be asked to install NuGet provider required by PowerShellGet if you don't have it already. When prompted you will need to accept PSGallery as a trusted repository. More Info: - [PowerShellGet](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/gallery/installing-psget?view=powershell-7.1) - [NuGet](https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/NuGet/1.3.3) - [PSGallery](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/powershell/scripting/gallery/overview?view=powershell-7.1) #### Direct download: `git clone https://github.com/onyx-and-iris/voicemeeter-api-powershell.git` All examples in this readme assume you've installed as a module. If you decide to direct download see [alternative instructions](FROM_SOURCE.md). ## Use When you instantiate Remote class you will automatically be logged in. Use a try finally block to ensure you logout at the end of your code. ```powershell Import-Module Voicemeeter try { # Run the factory function for required Voicemeeter type $vmr = Get-RemoteBanana # Set strip and bus params $vmr.strip[0].mono = $true $vmr.strip[0].mono '=> $true' $vmr.bus[1].mute = $false $vmr.bus[1].mute '=> $false' # Set macrobutton with id 4, mode state to 1 $vmr.button[4].state = $true $vmr.button[4].state '=> $true' } finally { $vmr.Logout() } ``` Voicemeeter factory function can be: - Get-RemoteBasic - Get-RemoteBanana - Get-RemotePotato There is no bounds checking in this wrapper, meaning if you attempt to set a parameter that does not exist for that version of Voicemeeter the wrapper will throw an error. So make sure what you are settings actually exists. ### Multiple parameters Set many strip/bus/macrobutton parameters at once, for Example ```powershell Import-Module Voicemeeter try { $vmr = Get-RemoteBanana $hash = @{ strip_0 = @{mute = $true; mono = $true}; strip_2 = @{mute = $true; mono = $true}; bus_1 = @{mute = $true; mono = $true}; mb_34 = @{state = $true}; mb_12 = @{trigger = $false}; } $vmr.Set_Multi($hash) } finally { $vmr.Logout() } ``` ### Strip|Bus The following strip/bus commands are available: - mute - mono - solo - A1-A5 - B1-B3 - limit - gain - comp - gate A,B commands depend on Voicemeeter type. ### Macrobuttons Three modes defined: state, stateonly and trigger. - State runs associated scripts - Stateonly does not run associated scripts - Index range (0, 69) ``` $vmr.button[3].state = $true $vmr.button[4].stateonly = $false $vmr.button[5].trigger = $true ``` ### VBAN For each vban in/out stream the following parameters are defined: - on: boolean - name: string - ip: string - port: int from 1024 - 65535 - sr: int (11025, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, 64000, 88200, 96000) - channel: int from 1 to 8 - bit: int 16 or 24 - quality: int from 0 to 4 - route: int from 0 to 8 SR, channel and bit are defined as readonly for instreams. Attempting to write to those parameters will throw an error. They are read and write for outstreams. example: ```powershell $vmr.vban_in[0].on = $true $vmr.vban_in[2].port = 6990 $vmr.vban_out[3].bit = 16 ``` ### Run tests Run tests using .\runall.ps1 which accepts two parameters: - tag Run tests of this type - num Run this number of tests Current test types are 'higher' and 'lower' Example: `.\runall.ps1 -tag 'higher' -num 3` Results will be logged and summary file written.