# Powershell Wrapper for Voicemeeter API This wrapper was written in response to a request in the VB-AUDIO discord for a way to invoke commands using Powershell. It is designed to be simple to use but not every feature is added. ## Tested against - Basic - Banana - Potato You may have success with many commands in earlier versions but some commands (example Macrobuttons) were only added to the API in later releases. ## Requirements - Voicemeeter: https://voicemeeter.com/ - Powershell 5.1 ## Use You may use try, finally blocks to ensure you login and logout. ```powershell . $PSScriptRoot\lib\voicemeeter.ps1 try { # pass a Voicemeeter type to class Remote $vmr = [Remote]::new('banana') $vmr.Login() # Set macrobutton with id 4, mode state to 1 $vmr.button[4].state = 1 $vmr.button[4].state # Set strip and bus params $vmr.strip[0].mono = 1 $vmr.strip[0].mono $vmr.bus[1].mute = 0 $vmr.bus[1].mute } finally { $vmr.Logout() } ``` Voicemeeter type can be one of: - basic - banana - potato There is no bounds checking in this wrapper, meaning if you attempt to set a parameter that does not exist for that version of Voicemeeter the wrapper will throw an error and crash. So make sure what you are settings actually exists. ### Macrobuttons Three modes defined: state, stateonly and trigger. - State runs associated scripts - Stateonly does not run associated scripts - Index range (0, 69) ``` $vmr.button[3].state = 1 $vmr.button[4].stateonly = 0 $vmr.button[5].trigger = 1 ``` ### Run tests Run tests using invoke-pester in powershell console from test directory. Alternatively you may use .\runall.ps1 which accepts two parameters: - tag Run tests of this type - num Run this number of tests Current test types are 'higher' and 'lower' Example: `.\runall.ps1 -tag 'higher' -num 3`