onyx-and-iris 1397c14522 debug statements added to getters and setters
made some rearrangements to the dot sourcing

ButtonTypes enum added to macrobuttons.ps1

login string now includes version number

Test-RegistryValue added to inst.ps1
2023-08-16 02:52:12 +01:00

14 lines
494 B

function Get_VMPath {
$REG_KEY = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software" + `
(& { if ([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) { "\WOW6432Node" } else { "" } }) + `
$VM_KEY = "\VB:Voicemeeter {17359A74-1236-5467}\"
try {
return $(Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path ($REG_KEY + $VM_KEY) -Name UninstallString | Split-Path -Parent)
catch {
throw [VMRemoteError]::new("Couldn't get Voicemeeter path")