mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 13:20:47 +00:00
add version, p_in, v_in to $layout
321 lines
8.6 KiB
321 lines
8.6 KiB
. $PSScriptRoot\errors.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\inst.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\strip.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\bus.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\macrobuttons.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\vban.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\special.ps1
$global:layout = $null
Function Setup_DLL {
try {
$vb_path = Get_VBPath
if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($vb_path)) {
throw [VBPathError]::new("ERROR: Couldn't get Voicemeeter path")
else {
$dll = Join-Path -Path $vb_path -ChildPath ("VoicemeeterRemote" + `
(&{If([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) {"64"} Else {""}}) + `
catch [VBPathError] {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.ErrorMessage()
return $false
$Signature = @"
public static extern int VBVMR_Login();
public static extern int VBVMR_Logout();
public static extern int VBVMR_RunVoicemeeter(Int64 run);
public static extern int VBVMR_GetVoicemeeterType(ref int ptr);
public static extern int VBVMR_MacroButton_IsDirty();
public static extern int VBVMR_MacroButton_SetStatus(Int64 id, Single state, Int64 mode);
public static extern int VBVMR_MacroButton_GetStatus(Int64 id, ref float ptr, Int64 mode);
public static extern int VBVMR_IsParametersDirty();
public static extern int VBVMR_SetParameterFloat(String param, Single value);
public static extern int VBVMR_GetParameterFloat(String param, ref float ptr);
public static extern int VBVMR_SetParameterStringA(String param, String value);
public static extern int VBVMR_GetParameterStringA(String param, byte[] buff);
public static extern int VBVMR_SetParameters(String param);
Add-Type -MemberDefinition $Signature -Name Remote -Namespace Voicemeeter -PassThru | Out-Null
return $true
Function Param_Set_Multi {
Start-Sleep -m 50
while(M_Dirty) { Start-Sleep -m 1 }
$cmd_strip = [String]::new(512)
$cmd_bus = [String]::new(512)
$textInfo = (Get-Culture).TextInfo
ForEach($key in $HASH.keys) {
$identifier = $key.Split("_")[0]
$num = $key.Split("_")[1]
$val = if($HASH.Item($key).values -eq "True") {1} else {0}
if($identifier -eq "strip") {
ForEach($k in $HASH.Item($key).keys) {
$param = $textInfo.ToTitleCase($k)
$cmd_strip += "Strip[$num].$param=$val;"
elseif($identifier -eq "bus") {
ForEach($k in $HASH.Item($key).keys) {
$param = $textInfo.ToTitleCase($k)
$cmd_bus += "Bus[$num].$param=$val;"
elseif($identifier -eq "mb") {
ForEach($k in $HASH.Item($key).keys) {
if($k -eq "state") { $mode = 1 }
elseif($k -eq "stateonly") { $mode = 2 }
elseif($k -eq "trigger") { $mode = 3 }
MB_Set -ID $num -SET $val -MODE $mode
@($cmd_bus, $cmd_strip) | ForEach-Object {
try {
$retval = [Int][Voicemeeter.Remote]::VBVMR_SetParameters($_.Substring(1))
if($retval) { Throw [CAPIError]::new($retval, $MyInvocation.MyCommand) }
catch [CAPIError] {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.ErrorMessage()
Function Param_Set_String {
[String]$PARAM, [String]$VALUE
try {
$retval = [Int][Voicemeeter.Remote]::VBVMR_SetParameterStringA($PARAM, $VALUE)
if($retval) { Throw [CAPIError]::new($retval, $MyInvocation.MyCommand) }
catch [CAPIError] {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.ErrorMessage()
Function Param_Get_String {
Start-Sleep -m 50
while(P_Dirty) { Start-Sleep -m 1 }
$BYTES = [System.Byte[]]::new(512)
try {
$retval = [Int][Voicemeeter.Remote]::VBVMR_GetParameterStringA($PARAM, $BYTES)
if($retval) { Throw [CAPIError]::new($retval, $MyInvocation.MyCommand) }
catch [CAPIError] {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.ErrorMessage()
Function Param_Set {
[String]$PARAM, [Single]$VALUE
try {
$retval = [Int][Voicemeeter.Remote]::VBVMR_SetParameterFloat($PARAM, $VALUE)
if($retval) { Throw [CAPIError]::new($retval, $MyInvocation.MyCommand) }
catch [CAPIError] {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.ErrorMessage()
Function Param_Get {
Start-Sleep -m 50
while(P_Dirty) { Start-Sleep -m 1 }
New-Variable -Name ptr -Value 0.0
try {
$retval = [Int][Voicemeeter.Remote]::VBVMR_GetParameterFloat($PARAM, [ref]$ptr)
if($retval) { Throw [CAPIError]::new($retval, $MyInvocation.MyCommand) }
catch [CAPIError] {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.ErrorMessage()
Function MB_Set {
[Int64]$ID, [Single]$SET, [Int64]$MODE
try {
$retval = [Int][Voicemeeter.Remote]::VBVMR_MacroButton_SetStatus($ID, $SET, $MODE)
if($retval) { Throw [CAPIError]::new($retval, $MyInvocation.MyCommand) }
catch [CAPIError] {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.ErrorMessage()
Function MB_Get {
[Int64]$ID, [Int64]$MODE
Start-Sleep -m 50
while(M_Dirty) { Start-Sleep -m 1 }
New-Variable -Name ptr -Value 0.0
try {
$retval = [Int][Voicemeeter.Remote]::VBVMR_MacroButton_GetStatus($ID, [ref]$ptr, $MODE)
if($retval) { Throw [CAPIError]::new($retval, $MyInvocation.MyCommand) }
catch [CAPIError] {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.ErrorMessage()
Function DefineVersion {
$layout = @{}
if($TYPE -eq 1) {
$layout = @{
"version" = "basic"
"p_in" = 2
"v_in" = 1
"p_out" = 1
"v_out" = 1
"vban_in" = 4
"vban_out" = 4
elseif($TYPE -eq 2) {
$layout = @{
"version" = "banana"
"p_in" = 3
"v_in" = 2
"p_out" = 3
"v_out" = 2
"vban_in" = 8
"vban_out" = 8
elseif($TYPE -eq 3) {
$layout = @{
"version" = "potato"
"p_in" = 5
"v_in" = 3
"p_out" = 5
"v_out" = 3
"vban_in" = 8
"vban_out" = 8
$global:layout = $layout
Function Login {
try {
$retval = [Int][Voicemeeter.Remote]::VBVMR_Login()
if(-not $retval) { Write-Host("LOGGED IN") }
elseif($retval -eq 1) {
Write-Host("VB NOT RUNNING")
New-Variable -Name vbtype -Value 0
Switch($TYPE) {
'basic' { $vbtype = 1; Break}
'banana' { $vbtype = 2; Break}
'potato' {
if ([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) {
$vbtype = 6
} else { $vbtype = 3 }
Default { throw [LoginError]::new('Unknown Voicemeeter type') }
$retval = [Int][Voicemeeter.Remote]::VBVMR_RunVoicemeeter([Int64]$vbtype)
if(-not $retval) { Write-Host("STARTING VB") }
else { Throw [CAPIError]::new($retval, $MyInvocation.MyCommand) }
Start-Sleep -s 1
} else { Exit }
catch [LoginError], [CAPIError] {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.ErrorMessage()
while(P_Dirty -or M_Dirty) { Start-Sleep -m 1 }
New-Variable -Name ptr -Value 0
$retval = [Int][Voicemeeter.Remote]::VBVMR_GetVoicemeeterType([ref]$ptr)
if(-not $retval) {
if($ptr -eq 1) { Write-Host("VERSION:[BASIC]") }
elseif($ptr -eq 2) { Write-Host("VERSION:[BANANA]") }
elseif($ptr -eq 3) { Write-Host("VERSION:[POTATO]") }
DefineVersion -TYPE $ptr
Function Logout {
Start-Sleep -m 20
$retval = [Int][Voicemeeter.Remote]::VBVMR_Logout()
if(-not $retval) { Write-Host("LOGGED OUT") }
Function P_Dirty {
Function M_Dirty {