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synced 2025-02-23 12:45:06 +00:00
Add classes PhysicalStrip, VirtualStrip that now subclass Strip. Add classes PhysicalBus, VirtualBus that now subclass Bus. SetChannelLayout now a hidden function. $bool_params now type System.Collection.ArrayList Added device and sr properties
91 lines
2.3 KiB
91 lines
2.3 KiB
. $PSScriptRoot\meta.ps1
class Strip {
hidden SetChannelLayout($num_A, $num_B) {
1..$num_A | ForEach-Object {
$this.bool_params.Add("A{0}" -f $_)
1..$num_B | ForEach-Object {
$this.bool_params.Add("B{0}" -f $_)
# Constructor
Strip ([Int]$id, [Int]$num_A, [Int]$num_B)
$this.id = $id
$this.string_params = @('label')
$this.float_params = @('gain', 'comp', 'gate')
$this.int_params = @('limit')
$this.bool_params = @('mono', 'solo', 'mute')
$this.SetChannelLayout($num_A, $num_B)
[void] Setter($cmd, $set) {
if( $this.string_params.Contains($cmd.Split('.')[1]) ) {
Param_Set_String -PARAM $cmd -VALUE $set
else { Param_Set -PARAM $cmd -VALUE $set }
[Single] Getter($cmd) {
return Param_Get -PARAM $cmd
[String] Getter_String($cmd) {
return Param_Get_String -PARAM $cmd
[String] cmd ($arg) {
return "Strip[" + $this.id + "].$arg"
hidden $_device = $($this | Add-Member ScriptProperty 'device' `
return Write-Warning("ERROR: " + $this.cmd('device.name') + " is read only")
hidden $_sr = $($this | Add-Member ScriptProperty 'sr' `
return Write-Warning("ERROR: " + $this.cmd('device.sr') + " is read only")
class PhysicalStrip : Strip {
PhysicalStrip ([Int]$id, [Int]$num_A, [Int]$num_B) : base ($id, $num_A, $num_B) {
class VirtualStrip : Strip {
VirtualStrip ([Int]$id, [Int]$num_A, [Int]$num_B) : base ($id, $num_A, $num_B) {
Function Strips {
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$strip = @()
0..$($layout.p_in + $layout.v_in - 1) | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -lt $layout.p_in) {
[void]$strip.Add([PhysicalStrip]::new($_, $layout.p_out, $layout.v_out))
else { [void]$strip.Add([VirtualStrip]::new($_, $layout.p_out, $layout.v_out)) }