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synced 2025-03-13 01:55:52 +00:00
made some rearrangements to the dot sourcing ButtonTypes enum added to macrobuttons.ps1 login string now includes version number Test-RegistryValue added to inst.ps1
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5.5 KiB
206 lines
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class IRecorder {
IRecorder ([Object]$remote) {
$this.remote = $remote
[single] Getter ($param) {
$this.Cmd($param) | Write-Debug
return $this.remote.Getter($this.Cmd($param))
[void] Setter ($param, $val) {
"$($this.Cmd($param))=$val" | Write-Debug
if ($val -is [Boolean]) {
$this.remote.Setter($this.Cmd($param), $(if ($val) { 1 } else { 0 }))
else {
$this.remote.Setter($this.Cmd($param), $val)
[string] Cmd ($param) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($param)) {
return $this.identifier()
return "$($this.identifier()).$param"
class Recorder : IRecorder {
Recorder ([Object]$remote) : base ($remote) {
$this.mode = [RecorderMode]::new($remote)
$this.armstrip = @()
0..($remote.kind.p_in + $remote.kind.v_in - 1) | ForEach-Object {
$this.armstrip.Add([RecorderArmStrip]::new($_, $remote))
$this.armbus = @()
0..($remote.kind.p_out + $remote.kind.v_out - 1) | ForEach-Object {
$this.armbus.Add([RecorderArmBus]::new($_, $remote))
AddActionMembers -PARAMS @('play', 'stop', 'pause', 'replay', 'record', 'ff', 'rew')
AddFloatMembers -PARAMS @('gain')
[string] identifier () {
return "Recorder"
[string] ToString() {
return $this.GetType().Name
hidden $_loop = $($this | Add-Member ScriptProperty 'loop' `
} `
$this.mode.loop = $arg
hidden $_samplerate = $($this | Add-Member ScriptProperty 'samplerate' `
} `
$opts = @(22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000)
if ($opts.Contains($arg)) {
$this._samplerate = $this.Setter('samplerate', $arg)
else {
"samplerate got: $arg, expected one of $opts" | Write-Warning
hidden $_bitresolution = $($this | Add-Member ScriptProperty 'bitresolution' `
} `
$opts = @(8, 16, 24, 32)
if ($opts.Contains($arg)) {
$this._bitresolution = $this.Setter('bitresolution', $arg)
else {
"bitresolution got: $arg, expected one of $opts" | Write-Warning
hidden $_channel = $($this | Add-Member ScriptProperty 'channel' `
} `
if ($arg -ge 1 -and $arg -le 8) {
$this._channel = $this.Setter('channel', $arg)
else {
"channel got: $arg, expected value from 1 to 8" | Write-Warning
hidden $_kbps = $($this | Add-Member ScriptProperty 'kbps' `
} `
$opts = @(32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320)
if ($opts.Contains($arg)) {
$this._kbps = $this.Setter('kbps', $arg)
else {
"kbps got: $arg, expected one of $opts" | Write-Warning
[void] Load ([string]$filename) {
$this.Setter('load', $filename)
[void] GoTo ([string]$timestring) {
try {
if ([datetime]::ParseExact($timestring, "HH:mm:ss", $null)) {
$timespan = [timespan]::Parse($timestring)
$this.Setter("GoTo", $timespan.TotalSeconds)
catch [FormatException] {
"Time string $timestring does not match the required format 'hh:mm:ss'" | Write-Warning
[void] FileType($format) {
[int]$val = 0
switch ($format) {
"wav" { $val = 1 }
"aiff" { $val = 2 }
"bwf" { $val = 3 }
"mp3" { $val = 100 }
default { "Filetype() got: $format, expected one of 'wav', 'aiff', 'bwf', 'mp3'" }
$this.Setter("filetype", $val)
class RecorderMode : IRecorder {
RecorderMode ([Object]$remote) : base ($remote) {
AddBoolMembers -PARAMS @('recbus', 'playonload', 'loop', 'multitrack')
[string] identifier () {
return "Recorder.Mode"
class RecorderArm : IRecorder {
RecorderArm ([int]$index, [Object]$remote) : base ($remote) {
$this.index = $index
Set ([bool]$val) {
$this.Setter("", $(if ($val) { 1 } else { 0 }))
class RecorderArmStrip : RecorderArm {
RecorderArmStrip ([int]$index, [Object]$remote) : base ($index, $remote) {
[string] identifier () {
return "Recorder.ArmStrip[$($this.index)]"
class RecorderArmBus : RecorderArm {
RecorderArmBus ([int]$index, [Object]$remote) : base ($index, $remote) {
[string] identifier () {
return "Recorder.ArmBus[$($this.index)]"
function Make_Recorder ([Object]$remote) {
return [Recorder]::new($remote)