
76 lines
2.3 KiB

Param([String]$tag, [Int]$num = 1, [switch]$log, [string]$kind = "potato")
Import-Module .\lib\Voicemeeter.psm1
Function ParseLog {
$summary_file = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "_summary.log"
if (Test-Path $summary_file) { Clear-Content $summary_file }
$PASSED_PATTERN = "^PassedCount\s+:\s(\d+)"
$FAILED_PATTERN = "^FailedCount\s+:\s(\d+)"
$DATA = @{
"passed" = 0
"failed" = 0
ForEach ($line in `
$(Get-Content -Path "${logfile}")) {
if ($line -match $PASSED_PATTERN) {
$DATA["passed"] += $Matches[1]
elseif ($line -match $FAILED_PATTERN) {
$DATA["failed"] += $Matches[1]
"=========================`n" + `
"$num tests run:`n" + `
"=========================" | Tee-Object -FilePath $summary_file -Append
$DATA | ForEach-Object { $_ } | Tee-Object -FilePath $summary_file -Append
function main() {
try {
$vmr = Connect-Voicemeeter -Kind $kind
Write-Host "Running tests for $vmr"
# test boundaries by kind
$phys_in = $vmr.kind.p_in - 1
$virt_in = $vmr.kind.p_in + $vmr.kind.v_in - 1
$phys_out = $vmr.kind.p_out - 1
$virt_out = $vmr.kind.p_out + $vmr.kind.v_out - 1
$vban_in = $vmr.kind.vban_in - 1
$vban_out = $vmr.kind.vban_out - 1
# skip conditions by kind
$ifBasic = $vmr.kind.name -eq "basic"
$ifBanana = $vmr.kind.name -eq "banana"
$ifPotato = $vmr.kind.name -eq "potato"
$ifNotBasic = $vmr.kind.name -ne "basic"
$ifNotBanana = $vmr.kind.name -ne "banana"
$ifNotPotato = $vmr.kind.name -ne "potato"
$logfile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "_results.log"
if (Test-Path $logfile) { Clear-Content $logfile }
1..$num | ForEach-Object {
if ($log) {
"Running test $_ of $num" | Tee-Object -FilePath $logfile -Append
Invoke-Pester -Tag $tag -PassThru | Tee-Object -FilePath $logfile -Append
else {
"Running test $_ of $num"
Invoke-Pester -Tag $tag -PassThru
if ($log) { Parselog -logfile $logfile }
finally { Disconnect-Voicemeeter }
if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -ne '.') { main }