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For an outline of past/future changes refer to: [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) ## Tested against - Basic - Banana - Potato ## Requirements - [Voicemeeter](https://voicemeeter.com/) - Python 3.11 or greater ## Installation ### `Pip` Install voicemeeter-api package from your console `pip install voicemeeter-api` ## `Use` Simplest use case, use a context manager to request a Remote class of a kind. Login and logout are handled for you in this scenario. #### `__main__.py` ```python import voicemeeterlib class ManyThings: def __init__(self, vm): self.vm = vm def things(self): self.vm.strip[0].label = "podmic" self.vm.strip[0].mute = True print( f"strip 0 ({self.vm.strip[0].label}) has been set to {self.vm.strip[0].mute}" ) def other_things(self): info = ( f"bus 3 gain has been set to {self.vm.bus[3].gain}", f"bus 4 eq has been set to {self.vm.bus[4].eq}", ) self.vm.bus[3].gain = -6.3 self.vm.bus[4].eq = True print("\n".join(info)) def main(): with voicemeeterlib.api(kind_id) as vm: do = ManyThings(vm) do.things() do.other_things() # set many parameters at once vm.apply( { "strip-2": {"A1": True, "B1": True, "gain": -6.0}, "bus-2": {"mute": True}, "button-0": {"state": True}, "vban-in-0": {"on": True}, "vban-out-1": {"name": "streamname"}, } ) if __name__ == "__main__": kind_id = "banana" main() ``` Otherwise you must remember to call `vm.login()`, `vm.logout()` at the start/end of your code. ## `kind_id` Pass the kind of Voicemeeter as an argument. kind_id may be: - `basic` - `banana` - `potato` ## `Available commands` ### Strip The following properties are available. - `mono`: boolean - `solo`: boolean - `mute`: boolean - `gain`: float, from -60.0 to 12.0 - `comp`: float, from 0.0 to 10.0 - `gate`: float, from 0.0 to 10.0 - `audibility`: float, from 0.0 to 10.0 - `limit`: int, from -40 to 12 - `A1 - A5`, `B1 - B3`: boolean - `label`: string - `device`: string - `sr`: int - `mc`: boolean - `k`: boolean - `bass`: float from -12.0 to 12.0 - `mid`: float from -12.0 to 12.0 - `treble`: float from -12.0 to 12.0 The following methods are Available. - `appgain(name, value)`: string, float, from 0.0 to 1.0 Set the gain in db by value for the app matching name. - `appmute(name, value)`: string, bool Set mute state as value for the app matching name. example: ```python vm.strip[5].appmute("Spotify", True) vm.strip[5].appgain("Spotify", 0.5) ``` ##### Gainlayers - `gain`: float, from -60.0 to 12.0 example: ```python vm.strip[3].gainlayer[3].gain = 3.7 ``` Gainlayers are defined for potato version only. ##### Levels The following properties are available. - `prefader` - `postfader` - `postmute` example: ```python print(vm.strip[3].levels.prefader) ``` Level properties will return -200.0 if no audio detected. ### Bus The following properties are available. - `mono`: boolean - `eq`: boolean - `eq_ab`: boolean - `mute`: boolean - `sel`: boolean - `gain`: float, from -60.0 to 12.0 - `label`: string - `device`: string - `sr`: int example: ```python vm.strip[3].gain = 3.7 print(strip[0].label) vm.bus[4].mono = true ``` ##### Levels The following properties are available. - `all` example: ```python print(vm.bus[0].levels.all) ``` `levels.all` will return -200.0 if no audio detected. ### Strip | Bus The following methods are available. - `fadeto(amount, time)`: float, int - `fadeby(amount, time)`: float, int Modify gain to or by the selected amount in db over a time interval in ms. example: ```python vm.strip[0].fadeto(-10.3, 1000) vm.bus[3].fadeby(-5.6, 500) ``` ### Macrobuttons The following properties are available. - `state`: boolean - `stateonly`: boolean - `trigger`: boolean example: ```python vm.button[37].state = true vm.button[55].trigger = false ``` ### Recorder The following methods are available - `play()` - `stop()` - `pause()` - `record()` - `ff()` - `rew()` The following properties are available - `loop`: boolean - `A1 - A5`: boolean - `B1 - A3`: boolean - `load()`: string example: ```python vm.recorder.play() vm.recorder.stop() # Enable loop play vm.recorder.loop = True # Disable recorder out channel B2 vm.recorder.B2 = False # filepath as raw string vm.recorder.load(r'C:\music\mytune.mp3') ``` Recorder properties are defined as write only. ### VBAN - `vm.vban.enable()` `vm.vban.disable()` Turn VBAN on or off ##### Instream | Outstream The following properties are available. - `on`: boolean - `name`: string - `ip`: string - `port`: int, range from 1024 to 65535 - `sr`: int, (11025, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, 64000, 88200, 96000) - `channel`: int, from 1 to 8 - `bit`: int, 16 or 24 - `quality`: int, from 0 to 4 - `route`: int, from 0 to 8 `SR`, `channel` and `bit` are defined as: - readonly for instreams. - read and write for outstreams. example: ```python # turn VBAN on vm.vban.enable() # turn on vban instream 0 vm.vban.instream[0].on = True # set bit property for outstream 3 to 24 vm.vban.outstream[3].bit = 24 ``` ### Command Certain 'special' commands are defined by the API as performing actions rather than setting values. The following methods are available: - `show()` : Bring Voiceemeter GUI to the front - `shutdown()` : Shuts down the GUI - `restart()` : Restart the audio engine The following properties are available. - `showvbanchat`: boolean - `lock`: boolean example: ```python vm.command.restart() vm.command.showvbanchat = true ``` `showvbanchat` and `lock` are write only. ### Multiple parameters - `apply` Set many strip/bus/macrobutton/vban parameters at once, for example: ```python vm.apply( { "strip-2": {"A1": True, "B1": True, "gain": -6.0}, "bus-2": {"mute": True}, "button-0": {"state": True}, "vban-in-0": {"on": True}, "vban-out-1": {"name": "streamname"}, } ) ``` Or for each class you may do: ```python vm.strip[0].apply(mute: true, gain: 3.2, A1: true) vm.vban.outstream[0].apply(on: true, name: 'streamname', bit: 24) ``` ## Config Files `vm.apply_config()` You may load config files in TOML format. Three example configs have been included with the package. Remember to save current settings before loading a user config. To set one you may do: ```python import voicemeeterlib with voicemeeterlib.api('banana') as vm: vm.apply_config('example') ``` will load a user config file at configs/banana/example.toml for Voicemeeter Banana. ## `Base Module` ### Remote class Access to lower level Getters and Setters are provided with these functions: - `vm.get(param, is_string=false)`: For getting the value of any parameter. Set string to true if getting a property value expected to return a string. - `vm.set(param, value)`: For setting the value of any parameter. Access to lower level polling functions are provided with these functions: - `vm.pdirty()`: Returns true if a parameter has been updated. - `vm.mdirty()`: Returns true if a macrobutton has been updated. - `vm.ldirty()`: Returns true if a level has been updated. example: ```python vm.get('Strip[2].Mute') vm.set('Strip[4].Label', 'stripname') vm.set('Strip[0].Gain', -3.6) ``` ### Run tests To run all tests: ``` pytest -v ``` ### Official Documentation - [Voicemeeter Remote C API](https://github.com/onyx-and-iris/Voicemeeter-SDK/blob/main/VoicemeeterRemoteAPI.pdf)