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synced 2025-01-18 17:10:47 +00:00
upd test badges
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489 lines
15 KiB
import pytest
from tests import data, tests
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", [False, True])
class TestSetAndGetBoolHigher:
__test__ = True
"""strip tests, physical and virtual"""
(data.phys_in, "mute"),
(data.phys_in, "mono"),
(data.virt_in, "mc"),
(data.virt_in, "mono"),
def test_it_sets_and_gets_strip_bool_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.strip[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.strip[index], param) == value
""" bus tests, physical and virtual """
(data.phys_out, "eq"),
(data.phys_out, "mute"),
(data.virt_out, "eq_ab"),
(data.virt_out, "sel"),
def test_it_sets_and_gets_bus_bool_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.bus[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.bus[index], param) == value
""" bus modes tests, physical and virtual """
data.name != "basic",
reason="Skip test if kind is not basic",
(data.phys_out, "normal"),
(data.phys_out, "amix"),
(data.virt_out, "normal"),
(data.virt_out, "composite"),
def test_it_sets_and_gets_busmode_basic_bool_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.bus[index].mode, param, value)
assert getattr(tests.bus[index].mode, param) == value
data.name == "basic",
reason="Skip test if kind is basic",
(data.phys_out, "normal"),
(data.phys_out, "amix"),
(data.phys_out, "rearonly"),
(data.virt_out, "normal"),
(data.virt_out, "upmix41"),
(data.virt_out, "composite"),
def test_it_sets_and_gets_busmode_bool_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.bus[index].mode, param, value)
assert getattr(tests.bus[index].mode, param) == value
""" macrobutton tests """
[(data.button_lower, "state"), (data.button_upper, "trigger")],
def test_it_sets_and_gets_macrobutton_bool_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.button[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.button[index], param) == value
""" vban instream tests """
[(data.vban_in, "on")],
def test_it_sets_and_gets_vban_instream_bool_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.vban.instream[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.vban.instream[index], param) == value
""" vban outstream tests """
[(data.vban_out, "on")],
def test_it_sets_and_gets_vban_outstream_bool_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.vban.outstream[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.vban.outstream[index], param) == value
""" command tests """
def test_it_sets_command_bool_params(self, param, value):
setattr(tests.command, param, value)
""" recorder tests """
data.name == "basic",
reason="Skip test if kind is basic",
[("A1"), ("B2")],
def test_it_sets_and_gets_recorder_bool_params(self, param, value):
setattr(tests.recorder, param, value)
assert getattr(tests.recorder, param) == value
data.name == "basic",
reason="Skip test if kind is basic",
def test_it_sets_recorder_bool_params(self, param, value):
setattr(tests.recorder, param, value)
""" fx tests """
data.name != "potato",
reason="Skip test if kind is not potato",
[("reverb"), ("reverb_ab"), ("delay"), ("delay_ab")],
def test_it_sets_and_gets_fx_bool_params(self, param, value):
setattr(tests.fx, param, value)
assert getattr(tests.fx, param) == value
""" patch tests """
data.name == "basic",
reason="Skip test if kind is basic",
def test_it_sets_and_gets_patch_bool_params(self, param, value):
setattr(tests.patch, param, value)
assert getattr(tests.patch, param) == value
""" patch.insert tests """
data.name == "basic",
reason="Skip test if kind is basic",
"index, param",
[(data.insert_lower, "on"), (data.insert_higher, "on")],
def test_it_sets_and_gets_patch_insert_bool_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.patch.insert[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.patch.insert[index], param) == value
""" option tests """
def test_it_sets_and_gets_option_bool_params(self, param, value):
setattr(tests.option, param, value)
assert getattr(tests.option, param) == value
class TestSetAndGetIntHigher:
__test__ = True
"""strip tests, physical and virtual"""
(data.phys_in, "limit", -40),
(data.phys_in, "limit", 12),
(data.virt_in, "k", 0),
(data.virt_in, "k", 4),
def test_it_sets_and_gets_strip_bool_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.strip[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.strip[index], param) == value
""" vban outstream tests """
[(data.vban_out, "sr", 48000)],
def test_it_sets_and_gets_vban_outstream_bool_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.vban.outstream[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.vban.outstream[index], param) == value
""" patch.asio tests """
data.name == "basic",
reason="Skip test if kind is basic",
(0, 1),
(data.asio_in, 4),
def test_it_sets_and_gets_patch_asio_in_int_params(self, index, value):
assert tests.patch.asio[index].get() == value
""" patch.A2[i]-A5[i] tests """
data.name == "basic",
reason="Skip test if kind is basic",
(0, 1),
(data.asio_out, 4),
def test_it_sets_and_gets_patch_asio_out_int_params(self, index, value):
assert tests.patch.A2[index].get() == value
assert tests.patch.A5[index].get() == value
""" patch.composite tests """
data.name == "basic",
reason="Skip test if kind is basic",
(0, 3),
(0, data.channels),
(7, 8),
(7, data.channels),
def test_it_sets_and_gets_patch_composite_int_params(self, index, value):
assert tests.patch.composite[index].get() == value
""" option tests """
data.name == "basic",
reason="Skip test if kind is basic",
(data.phys_out, 30),
(data.phys_out, 500),
def test_it_sets_and_gets_patch_delay_int_params(self, index, value):
assert tests.option.delay[index].get() == value
class TestSetAndGetFloatHigher:
__test__ = True
"""strip tests, physical and virtual"""
(data.phys_in, "gain", -3.6),
(data.virt_in, "gain", 5.8),
(data.phys_in, "comp", 0.0),
(data.virt_in, "comp", 8.2),
(data.phys_in, "gate", 2.3),
(data.virt_in, "gate", 6.7),
def test_it_sets_and_gets_strip_float_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.strip[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.strip[index], param) == value
[(data.phys_in, 2), (data.phys_in, 2), (data.virt_in, 8), (data.virt_in, 8)],
def test_it_gets_prefader_levels_and_compares_length_of_array(self, index, value):
assert len(tests.strip[index].levels.prefader) == value
[(data.phys_in, 2), (data.phys_in, 2), (data.virt_in, 8), (data.virt_in, 8)],
def test_it_gets_postmute_levels_and_compares_length_of_array(self, index, value):
assert len(tests.strip[index].levels.postmute) == value
data.name != "potato",
reason="Only test if logged into Potato version",
"index, j, value",
(data.phys_in, 0, -20.7),
(data.virt_in, 3, -60),
(data.virt_in, 4, 3.6),
(data.phys_in, 4, -12.7),
def test_it_sets_and_gets_strip_gainlayer_values(self, index, j, value):
tests.strip[index].gainlayer[j].gain = value
assert tests.strip[index].gainlayer[j].gain == value
""" strip tests, physical """
"index, param, value",
(data.phys_in, "pan_x", -0.6),
(data.phys_in, "pan_x", 0.6),
(data.phys_in, "color_y", 0.8),
(data.phys_in, "fx_x", -0.6),
def test_it_sets_and_gets_strip_xy_params(self, index, param, value):
assert hasattr(tests.strip[index], param)
setattr(tests.strip[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.strip[index], param) == value
data.name != "potato",
reason="Only test if logged into Potato version",
"index, param, value",
(data.phys_in, "reverb", -1.6),
(data.phys_in, "postfx1", True),
def test_it_sets_and_gets_strip_effects_params(self, index, param, value):
assert hasattr(tests.strip[index], param)
setattr(tests.strip[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.strip[index], param) == value
""" strip tests, virtual """
"index, param, value",
(data.virt_in, "treble", -1.6),
(data.virt_in, "mid", 5.8),
(data.virt_in, "bass", -8.1),
def test_it_sets_and_gets_strip_eq_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.strip[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.strip[index], param) == value
""" bus tests, physical and virtual """
data.name != "potato",
reason="Only test if logged into Potato version",
"index, param, value",
[(data.phys_out, "returnreverb", 3.6), (data.virt_out, "returnfx1", 5.8)],
def test_it_sets_and_gets_bus_effects_float_params(self, index, param, value):
assert hasattr(tests.bus[index], param)
setattr(tests.bus[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.bus[index], param) == value
"index, param, value",
[(data.phys_out, "gain", -3.6), (data.virt_out, "gain", 5.8)],
def test_it_sets_and_gets_bus_float_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.bus[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.bus[index], param) == value
[(data.phys_out, 8), (data.virt_out, 8)],
def test_it_gets_prefader_levels_and_compares_length_of_array(self, index, value):
assert len(tests.bus[index].levels.all) == value
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", ["test0", "test1"])
class TestSetAndGetStringHigher:
__test__ = True
"""strip tests, physical and virtual"""
"index, param",
[(data.phys_in, "label"), (data.virt_in, "label")],
def test_it_sets_and_gets_strip_string_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.strip[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.strip[index], param) == value
""" bus tests, physical and virtual """
"index, param",
[(data.phys_out, "label"), (data.virt_out, "label")],
def test_it_sets_and_gets_bus_string_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.bus[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.bus[index], param) == value
""" vban instream tests """
"index, param",
[(data.vban_in, "name")],
def test_it_sets_and_gets_vban_instream_string_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.vban.instream[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.vban.instream[index], param) == value
""" vban outstream tests """
"index, param",
[(data.vban_out, "name")],
def test_it_sets_and_gets_vban_outstream_string_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.vban.outstream[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.vban.outstream[index], param) == value
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", [False, True])
class TestSetAndGetMacroButtonHigher:
__test__ = True
"""macrobutton tests"""
"index, param",
(0, "state"),
(39, "stateonly"),
(69, "trigger"),
(22, "stateonly"),
(45, "state"),
(65, "trigger"),
def test_it_sets_and_gets_macrobutton_params(self, index, param, value):
setattr(tests.button[index], param, value)
assert getattr(tests.button[index], param) == value