A simple demonstration showing how to use a midi controller with this API.
This script was written for and tested with a Korg NanoKontrol2 configured in CC mode.
In order to run this example script you will need to have setup Voicemeeter with a midi device in Menu->Midi Mapping.
The script launches Voicemeeter Banana version and assumes that is the version being tested (if it was already launched)
responds to any midi button press or midi slider movement and prints its' CC number and most recent value.
should enable trigger mode for macrobutton 0 if peak level value for strip 3 exceeds -40 and midi button 48 is pressed. On the NanoKontrol2 midi button 48 corresponds to the leftmost M button. You may need to disable any Keyboard Shortcut assignment first.
For a clear illustration of what may be done fill in some commands in Request for Button ON / Trigger IN
and Request for Button OFF / Trigger OUT
If you want to know how to setup the NanoKontrol2 for CC mode check the following resources.