## Python Installation If you don't have Python already you can fetch it easily from the Windows Store. Simply type `store` into the windows search bar. To run this GUI you'll need the latest version, Python 3.11 (Beta). If you install Python straight from `python.org` instead remember to click 'Add Python environmental variables', this is important. ## Download|Install Code Once Python is installed: Enter voicemeeter-compact directory and type `powershell.exe` into the explorer bar as shown in the image below. ![Image of PS in Explorer](./doc_imgs/powershellinexplorerbar.png) This will open a Powershell in the current directory. Then use the command `pip install voicemeeter-compact` and wait for the required packages to install. ## Use Finally, run the GUI with the command `pythonw .` If the GUI looks like the image below when you first load it, then no channels are labelled. From the menu, Profiles->Load Profile you may load an example config. Save your current Voicemeeter settings first :). ![Image of no labels example](./doc_imgs/nolabels.png) ## Updates If there are updates to the app, you can track them in the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md), simply repeat the steps above from [Download|Install Code](https://github.com/onyx-and-iris/voicemeeter-compact/blob/main/INSTALLATION.md#downloadinstall-code) onwards.