onyx-and-iris 2c39b9d215 updates to gui to match changes to interfaces
updates to gui to match changes to interfaces

now packaged with poetry and on pypi
2022-06-16 23:53:28 +01:00

46 lines
483 B

label = "PhysStrip0"
A1 = true
gain = -8.8
comp = 3.2
label = "PhysStrip1"
B1 = true
gate = 4.1
label = "PhysStrip2"
gain = 1.1
limit = -15
label = "VirtStrip0"
bass = -3.2
mid = 1.5
treble = 2.1
label = "VirtStrip1"
limit = -12
label = "PhysBus0"
mute = true
label = "PhysBus1"
mono = true
label = "PhysBus2"
eq = true
label = "VirtBus0"
eq_ab = true
label = "VirtBus1"
gain = -22.8