Ruby Wrapper around the Voicemeeter Remote API
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2023-07-17 08:41:03 +01:00
configs example configs added 2023-07-09 19:30:58 +01:00
examples/events Events::Callback now a class 2023-07-17 08:34:34 +01:00
lib POTATOX64 added to KindEnum 2023-07-17 08:41:03 +01:00
.gitignore ensure we initialize comp arrays 2023-07-14 21:03:40 +01:00
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LICENSE README, LICENSE added 2023-07-14 12:32:12 +01:00 upd code style badge colour 2023-07-14 21:08:05 +01:00
voicemeeter.gemspec now using standard Ruby logger module 2023-07-16 11:08:24 +01:00

License: MIT Ruby Code Style

Ruby Wrapper for Voicemeeter API

This gem offers a Ruby interface for the Voicemeeter Remote C API.

For an outline of past/future changes refer to: CHANGELOG

Tested against

  • Basic
  • Banana
  • Potato




bundle add 'voicemeeter'
bundle install


gem install 'voicemeeter'


Simplest use case, request a Remote class of a kind, then pass a block to run.

Login and logout are handled for you in this scenario.


require "voicemeeter"

  .run do |vm|
    # mute the leftmost strip
    vm.strip[0].mute = true
    puts vm.strip[0].mute

    # disable eq for second from left bus
    vm.bus[1].eq.on = false
    puts vm.bus[1].eq.on

Otherwise you must remember to call vm.login vm.logout at the start/end of your code.


Pass the kind of Voicemeeter as an argument. KIND_ID may be:

  • :basic
  • :banana
  • :potato

Available commands


The following properties are available.

  • mono: boolean
  • solo: boolean
  • mute: boolean
  • gain: float, from -60.0 to 12.0
  • comp: float, from 0.0 to 10.0
  • gate: float, from 0.0 to 10.0
  • audibility: float, from 0.0 to 10.0
  • limit: int, from -40 to 12
  • A1 - A5, B1 - B3: boolean
  • label: string
  • mc: boolean
  • k: int, from 0 to 4
  • bass: float, from -12.0 to 12.0
  • mid: float, from -12.0 to 12.0
  • treble: float, from -12.0 to 12.0
  • reverb: float, from 0.0 to 10.0
  • delay: float, from 0.0 to 10.0
  • fx1: float, from 0.0 to 10.0
  • fx2: float, from 0.0 to 10.0
  • pan_x: float, from -0.5 to 0.5
  • pan_y: float, from 0.0 to 1.0
  • color_x: float, from -0.5 to 0.5
  • color_y: float, from 0.0 to 1.0
  • fx_x: float, from -0.5 to 0.5
  • fx_y: float, from 0.0 to 1.0
  • postreverb: boolean
  • postdelay: boolean
  • postfx1: boolean
  • postfx2: boolean


vm.strip[3].gain = 3.7
puts vm.strip[0].label

The following methods are available.

  • appgain(name, value): string, float, from 0.0 to 1.0

Set the gain in db by value for the app matching name.

  • appmute(name, value): string, bool

Set mute state as value for the app matching name.


vm.strip[5].appgain("Spotify", 0.5)
vm.strip[5].appmute("Spotify", true)
  • gain: float, from -60.0 to 12.0


vm.strip[3].gainlayer[3].gain = 3.7

Gainlayers are defined for potato version only.


The following properties are available.

  • prefader
  • postfader
  • postmute


puts vm.strip[3].levels.prefader

Level properties will return -200.0 if no audio detected.


The following properties are available.

  • mono: boolean
  • mute: boolean
  • eq: boolean
  • eq_ab: boolean
  • sel: boolean
  • gain: float, from -60.0 to 12.0
  • label: string
  • returnreverb: float, from 0.0 to 10.0
  • returndelay: float, from 0.0 to 10.0
  • returnfx1: float, from 0.0 to 10.0
  • returnfx2: float, from 0.0 to 10.0
  • monitor: boolean


vm.bus[3].gain = 3.7
puts vm.bus[0].label

vm.bus[4].mono = true
  • normal: boolean
  • amix: boolean
  • bmix: boolean
  • composite: boolean
  • tvmix: boolean
  • upmix21: boolean
  • upmix41: boolean
  • upmix61: boolean
  • centeronly: boolean
  • lfeonly: boolean
  • rearonly: boolean


vm.bus[4].mode.amix = true

The following properties are available.

  • all


puts vm.bus[0].levels.all

levels.all will return -200.0 if no audio detected.

Strip | Bus

The following methods are available

  • fadeto(amount, time): float, int
  • fadeby(amount, time): float, int

Modify gain to or by the selected amount in db over a time interval in ms.


vm.strip[0].fadeto(-10.3, 1000)
vm.bus[3].fadeby(-5.6, 500)

Strip.Device | Bus.Device

The following properties are available

  • name: str
  • sr: int
  • wdm: str
  • ks: str
  • mme: str
  • asio: str


puts vm.strip[0]
vm.bus[0].device.asio = "Audient USB Audio ASIO Driver"

strip|bus device parameters are defined for physical channels only.

name, sr are read only. wdm, ks, mme, asio are write only.


Three modes defined: state, stateonly and trigger.

  • state: boolean
  • stateonly: boolean
  • trigger: boolean


vm.button[37].state = true
vm.button[55].trigger = false


The following properties accept boolean values.

  • loop: boolean
  • A1 - A5: boolean
  • B1 - A3: boolean

The following methods are available

  • play
  • stop
  • pause
  • record
  • ff
  • rew
  • load(filepath): string


# Enable loop play
vm.recorder.loop = true

# Disable recorder out channel B2
vm.recorder.B2 = false

# filepath as string


  • vm.vban.enable vm.vban.disable Turn VBAN on or off
Instream | Outstream

The following properties are available.

  • on: boolean
  • name: string
  • ip: string
  • port: int, range from 1024 to 65535
  • sr: int, (11025, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, 64000, 88200, 96000)
  • channel: int, from 1 to 8
  • bit: int, 16 or 24
  • quality: int, from 0 to 4
  • route: int, from 0 to 8

SR, channel and bit are defined as readonly for instreams. Attempting to write to those parameters will throw an error. They are read and write for outstreams.


# turn VBAN on

# turn on vban instream 0
vm.vban.instream[0].on = true

# set bit property for outstream 3 to 24
vm.vban.outstream[3].bit = 24


Certain 'special' commands are defined by the API as performing actions rather than setting values. The following methods are available:

  • show : Bring Voiceemeter GUI to the front
  • shutdown : Shuts down the GUI
  • restart : Restart the audio engine

The following properties are write only and accept boolean values.

  • showvbanchat: boolean
  • lock: boolean


vm.command.showvbanchat = true


  • ins outs : Returns the number of input/output devices
  • input(i) output(i) : Returns a hash of device properties for device[i]

example: { (0...vm.device.ins).each { |i| puts vm.device.input(i) } }


The following properties are available:

  • channel: int, returns the midi channel
  • current: int, returns the current (or most recently pressed) key

The following methods are available:

  • get(key): int, returns most recent velocity value for a key


puts vm.midi.get(12)

get may return nil if no value for requested key in midi cache

Multiple parameters

  • apply Set many strip/bus/macrobutton/vban parameters at once, for example:
    strip_0: {
      mute: true,
      gain: 3.2,
      A1: true
    bus_3: {
      gain: -3.2,
      eq: true
    button_39: {
      stateonly: true
    vban_outstream_3: {
      on: true,
      bit: 24

Or for each class you may do:

vm.strip[0].apply(mute: true, gain: 3.2, A1: true)
vm.vban.outstream[0].apply(on: true, name: "streamname", bit: 24)

Config Files


You may load config files in TOML format. Three example configs have been included with the package. Remember to save current settings before loading a config. To set one you may do:

require "voicemeeter"
vm = Voicemeeter.remote(:banana) { vm.apply_config(:example) }

will load a config file at mydir/configs/banana/example.toml for Voicemeeter Banana.


By default, NO events listened for.

Use keyword args pdirty, mdirty, midi, ldirty to initialize event updates.


require 'voicemeeter'
# Set updates to occur every 50ms
# Listen for level updates
vm = Voicemeeter.remote('banana', ratelimit: 0.05, ldirty: true) { ... }


Use the register/deregister methods to register/deregister callbacks and event observers.


# register an app to receive updates
class App():
    def initialize(vm)
        @vm = vm

    def on_pdirty


Use the event class to toggle updates as necessary.

The following properties are available:

  • pdirty: boolean
  • mdirty: boolean
  • midi: boolean
  • ldirty: boolean


vm.event.ldirty = true

vm.event.pdirty = false

Or add, remove an array of events.

The following methods are available:

  • add(events)
  • remove(events)
  • get


vm.event.add(%w[pdirty mdirty midi ldirty])

vm.event.remove(%w[pdirty mdirty midi ldirty])

# get a list of currently subscribed
p vm.event.get

Voicemeeter Module

Remote class


You may pass the following optional keyword arguments:

  • sync: boolean=false, force the getters to wait for dirty parameters to clear. For most cases leave this as false.
  • ratelimit: float=0.033, how often to check for updates in ms.
  • pdirty: boolean=true, parameter updates
  • mdirty: boolean=true, macrobutton updates
  • midi: boolean=true, midi updates
  • ldirty: boolean=false, level updates

Access to lower level Getters and Setters are provided with these functions:

  • vm.get(param, string=false): For getting the value of any parameter. Set string to true if getting a property value expected to return a string.
  • vm.set(param, value): For setting the value of any parameter.

Access to lower level polling functions are provided with these functions:

  • vm.pdirty?: Returns true iff a parameter has been updated.
  • vm.mdirty?: Returns true iff a macrobutton has been updated.


vm.set("Strip[4].Label", "stripname")
vm.set("Strip[0].Gain", -3.6)

Run tests

To run all tests:

Bundle exec rspec

You can use tags to run only certain tests, for example:

Bundle exec rspec --tag 'higher'

Official Documentation