import abc import time import threading from pythonosc.dispatcher import Dispatcher from pythonosc.osc_server import BlockingOSCUDPServer from pythonosc.osc_message_builder import OscMessageBuilder from configparser import ConfigParser from pathlib import Path from typing import Union from . import kinds from .lr import LR from .strip import Strip from .bus import Bus from .dca import DCA from .fx import FXSend, FXReturn from .config import Config from .rtn import Aux, Rtn class OSCClientServer(BlockingOSCUDPServer): def __init__(self, address, dispatcher): super().__init__(("", 0), dispatcher) self.xr_address = address def send_message(self, address, value): builder = OscMessageBuilder(address=address) if value is None: values = list() elif isinstance(value, list): values = value else: values = [value] for val in values: builder.add_arg(val) msg = self.socket.sendto(msg.dgram, self.xr_address) class MAirRemote(abc.ABC): """ Handles the communication with the M-Air mixer via the OSC protocol """ _CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 0.5 _WAIT_TIME = 0.025 _REFRESH_TIMEOUT = 5 XAIR_PORT = 10024 info_response = [] def __init__(self, **kwargs): dispatcher = Dispatcher() dispatcher.set_default_handler(self.msg_handler) self.xair_ip = kwargs["ip"] or self._ip_from_ini() self.xair_port = kwargs["port"] or self.XAIR_PORT self.server = OSCClientServer((self.xair_ip, self.xair_port), dispatcher) def __enter__(self): self.worker = threading.Thread(target=self.run_server) self.worker.daemon = True self.worker.start() self.validate_connection() return self def _ip_from_ini(self): ini_path = Path.cwd() / "config.ini" parser = ConfigParser() if not print("Could not read config file") return parser["connection"].get("ip") def validate_connection(self): self.send("/xinfo") time.sleep(self._CONNECT_TIMEOUT) if len(self.info_response) > 0: print(f"Successfully connected to {self.info_response[2]}.") else: print( "Error: Failed to setup OSC connection to mixer. Please check for correct ip address." ) def run_server(self): self.server.serve_forever() def msg_handler(self, addr, *data): self.info_response = data[:] def send(self, address, param=None): self.server.send_message(address, param) time.sleep(self._WAIT_TIME) def _query(self, address): self.send(address) time.sleep(self._WAIT_TIME) return self.info_response def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tr): self.server.shutdown() def _make_remote(kind: kinds.MR18KindMap) -> MAirRemote: """ Creates a new MAIR remote class. The returned class will subclass MAirRemote. """ def init(self, *args, **kwargs): defaultkwargs = {"ip": None, "port": None} kwargs = defaultkwargs | kwargs MAirRemote.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.kind = kind = LR.make(self) self.strip = tuple(Strip.make(self, i) for i in range(kind.num_strip)) self.bus = tuple(Bus.make(self, i) for i in range(kind.num_bus)) self.dca = tuple(DCA(self, i) for i in range(kind.num_dca)) self.fxsend = tuple(FXSend.make(self, i) for i in range(kind.num_fx)) self.fxreturn = tuple(FXReturn(self, i) for i in range(kind.num_fx)) self.config = Config.make(self) self.aux = Aux.make(self) self.rtn = tuple(Rtn.make(self, i) for i in range(kind.num_rtn)) return type( f"MAirRemote{kind.id_}", (MAirRemote,), { "__init__": init, }, ) _remotes = {kind.id_: _make_remote(kind) for kind in kinds.all} def connect(kind_id: str, *args, **kwargs): MAIRREMOTE_cls = _remotes[kind_id] return MAIRREMOTE_cls(*args, **kwargs)