onyx-and-iris 064a4aa11d More request tests added.
development dependencies added to setup.py

fix error in __init__

kind parameter for get_input_list in reqclient now optional.

request tests create/destroy test scenes on setup/teardown.

license, isort, black badges added to readme.
2022-07-30 16:37:07 +01:00

139 lines
3.1 KiB

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# A Python SDK for OBS Studio WebSocket v5.0
This is a wrapper around OBS Websocket.
Not all endpoints in the official documentation are implemented.
## Requirements
- [OBS Studio](https://obsproject.com/)
- [OBS Websocket v5 Plugin](https://github.com/obsproject/obs-websocket/releases/tag/5.0.0)
- Python 3.11 or greater
### How to install using pip
pip install obsstudio-sdk
### How to Use
Load connection info from toml config. A valid `config.toml` might look like this:
host = "localhost"
port = 4455
password = "mystrongpass"
It should be placed next to your `__main__.py` file.
#### Otherwise:
Import and start using, keyword arguments are as follows:
- `host`: obs websocket server
- `port`: port to access server
- `password`: obs websocket server password
Example `__main__.py`:
import obsstudio_sdk as obs
# pass conn info if not in config.toml
cl = obs.ReqClient(host='localhost', port=4455, password='mystrongpass')
# Toggle the mute state of your Mic input
### Requests
Method names for requests match the API calls but snake cased.
cl = ReqClient()
# GetVersion
resp = cl.get_version()
# SetCurrentProgramScene
For a full list of requests refer to [Requests](https://github.com/obsproject/obs-websocket/blob/master/docs/generated/protocol.md#requests)
### Events
When registering a function callback use the name of the expected API event in snake case form.
cl = EventClient()
def scene_created(data):
# SceneCreated
def input_mute_state_changed(data):
# InputMuteStateChanged
# returns a list of currently registered events
cl.callback accepts both a single or list of functions.
For a full list of events refer to [Events](https://github.com/obsproject/obs-websocket/blob/master/docs/generated/protocol.md#events)
### Attributes
For both request responses and event data you may inspect the available attributes using `attrs()`.
resp = cl.get_version()
def scene_created(data):
### Errors
If a request fails an `OBSSDKError` will be raised with a status code.
For a full list of status codes refer to [Codes](https://github.com/obsproject/obs-websocket/blob/master/docs/generated/protocol.md#requeststatus)
### Tests
First install development dependencies:
`pip install -e .['dev']`
To run all tests:
pytest -v
### Official Documentation
For the full documentation:
- [OBS Websocket SDK](https://github.com/obsproject/obs-websocket/blob/master/docs/generated/protocol.md#obs-websocket-501-protocol)