onyx-and-iris dd5abafa66 strip3a1 added to higher tests
pdirty, mdirty added to readme
2022-07-01 00:01:56 +01:00

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[![Go Reference](https://pkg.go.dev/badge/github.com/onyx-and-iris/voicemeeter-api-go.svg)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/onyx-and-iris/voicemeeter-api-go)
# A Go Wrapper for Voicemeeter API
This package offers a Go interface for the Voicemeeter Remote C API.
For an outline of past/future changes refer to: [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md)
## Tested against
- Basic
- Banana
- Potato
## Requirements
- [Voicemeeter](https://voicemeeter.com/)
- Go 1.18 or greater
## Installation
Add to your `go.mod` file:
`require github.com/onyx-and-iris/voicemeeter-api-go v1.0.0`
Install voicemeeter-api-go package from your console
`go get github.com/onyx-and-iris/voicemeeter-api-go`
## `Use`
#### `main.go`
package main
import (
func main() {
kindId := "banana"
vmRem := voicemeeter.GetRemote(kindId)
vmRem.Strip[0].SetLabel("rode podmic")
fmt.Printf("Strip 0 (%s) mute was set to %v\n", vmRem.Strip[0].GetLabel(), vmRem.Strip[0].GetMute())
## `kindId`
Pass the kind of Voicemeeter as an argument. kindId may be:
- `basic`
- `banana`
- `potato`
## `Remote Type`
#### `vmRem.Strip`
[]t_strip slice containing both physicalStrip and virtualStrip types
#### `vmRem.Bus`
[]t_bus slice containing both physicalBus and virtualBus types
#### `vmRem.Button`
[]button slice containing button types, one for each macrobutton
#### `vmRem.Command`
pointer to command type, represents action type functions
#### `vmRem.Vban`
pointer to vban type, containing both vbanInStream and vbanOutStream slices
#### `vmRem.Device`
pointer to device type, represents physical input/output hardware devices
#### `vmRem.Recorder`
pointer to recorder type, represents the recorder
#### `vmRem.Type()`
returns the type of Voicemeeter as a string
#### `vmRem.Version()`
returns the version of Voicemeeter as a string
#### `vmRem.SendText(<script>)`
sets many parameters in script format eg. ("Strip[0].Mute=1;Bus[3].Gain=3.6")
#### `vmRem.Register(o observer)`
register an object as an observer
#### `vmRem.Deregister(o observer)`
deregister an object as an observer
#### `vmRem.Pdirty()`
returns True iff a GUI parameter has changed
#### `vmRem.Mdirty()`
returns True iff a macrobutton paramter has changed
## `Available commands`
### Strip
The following functions are available
- `GetMute() bool`
- `SetMute(val bool)`
- `GetMono() bool`
- `SetMono(val bool)`
- `GetSolo() bool`
- `SetSolo(val bool)`
- `GetLimit() int`
- `SetLimit(val int)` from -40 to 12
- `GetLabel() string`
- `SetLabel(val string)`
- `GetGain() float64`
- `SetGain(val float32)` from -60.0 to 12.0
- `GetMc() bool`
- `SetMc(val bool)`
- `GetComp() float64`
- `SetComp(val float32)` from 0.0 to 10.0
- `GetGate() float64`
- `SetGate(val float32)` from 0.0 to 10.0
- `GetAudibility() float64`
- `SetAudibility(val float32)` from 0.0 to 10.0
- `GetA1() bool - GetA5() bool`
- `SetA1(val bool) - SetA5(val bool)`
### Bus
The following functions are available
- `String() string`
- `GetMute() bool`
- `SetMute(val bool)`
- `GetEq() bool`
- `SetEq(val bool)`
- `GetMono() bool`
- `SetMono(val bool)`
- `GetLabel() string`
- `SetLabel(val string)`
- `GetGain() float64`
- `SetGain(val float32)` from -60.0 to 12.0
### Button
The following functions are available
- `GetState() bool`
- `SetState(val bool)`
- `GetStateOnly() bool`
- `SetStateOnly(val bool)`
- `GetTrigger() bool`
- `SetTrigger(val bool)`
### Command
The following functions are available
- `Show()`
- `Hide()`
- `Shutdown()`
- `Restart()`
- `Lock(val bool)`
### VBAN
- `vmRem.Vban.Enable()` `vmRem.Vban.Disable()` Turn VBAN on or off
##### Instream | Outstream
- `vmRem.Vban.InStream` `vmRem.Vban.OutStream`
The following functions are available
- `GetOn() bool`
- `SetOn(val bool)`
- `GetName() string`
- `SetName(val string)`
- `GetIp() string`
- `SetIp(val string)`
- `GetPort() int`
- `SetPort(val int)` from 1024 to 65535
- `GetSr() int`
- `SetSr(val int)` (11025, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, 64000, 88200, 96000)
- `GetChannel() int`
- `SetChannel(val int)` from 1 to 8
- `GetBit() int`
- `SetBit(val int)` 16 or 24
- `GetQuality() int`
- `SetQuality(val int)` from 0 to 4
- `GetRoute() int`
- `SetRoute(val int)` from 0 to 8
### Device
The following functions are available
- `Ins`
- `Outs`
- `Input(val int)`
- `Output(val int)`
### Recorder
The following functions are available
- `Play()`
- `Stop()`
- `Pause()`
- `Replay()`
- `Record()`
- `Ff()`
- `Rew()`
### Run tests
To run all tests:
go run test ./...
### Official Documentation
- [Voicemeeter Remote C API](https://github.com/onyx-and-iris/Voicemeeter-SDK/blob/main/VoicemeeterRemoteAPI.pdf)